
Ep.#67: Becoming An Executive

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#67: Becoming An Executive

Are you currently an executive in your company? Do you aspire to becoming one? Are you frustrated because you believe you should already be one by now?

I work with many executives as coaching clients and as a former executive myself (as well as an executive of my current small firm!) I believe sometimes professional overlook the distinction between being a functional leader and stepping up as an executive.

It is not just about the number of people you lead or the salary and benefits you get that differ. The type of work and how you see your role also is tremendously different.

In this episode I discuss a few key areas where shifting from functional leadership to function-agnostic leadership is beneficial for you to prepare yourself for the role you aspire and gain greater clarity if you actually are ready and willing to take the leap!

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