
Episodes & Posts

Reflections And Insights From Your Executive Coach & Innovation Thought Leader

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Ep.#63: Learning How We Learn

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#63: Learning How We Learn

Learning as adult is not as easy as when we are kids. For Neuroplasticity to occur there are two key steps, tune in and find out.

Ep.#62: Recognition & Appreciation

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#62: Recognition & Appreciation

This week I discuss the difference between recognition and appreciation, and why we want to practice both.  Everybody wants to feel they are appreciated for what they do, but even more for who they are. Access my free Masterclass to stop procrastinating here.

Ep.#61: Your Brain Is Your Asset

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#61: Your Brain Is Your Asset

Your brain is your most important asset and for companies this means people are their most important assets. Tune in to get insights into how our brain works and maximise how you leverage this important asset in your life.

Ep.#60: The KASH Model of EI

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#60: The KASH Model of EI

For true lasting development to take place, all change can be looked at using the four main elements of the KASH EI model: knowledge, attitude, skills and habits.

Ep.#58: The Performance Formula

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#58: The Performance Formula

How often do you hear people at work saying “This person is not good.” “He/she is a poor performer.“ The trouble I have with sentences like these is that they don’t leave much room to change and new possibilities. Already by changing the sentence to something like… “This person is not performing very well in […]

Ep.#57: Your Identity

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#57: Your Identity

As leaders, being explicit about how different aspects of our identities and lived experiences have informed who we are, what we value, helps us understand how we perceive situations and how we interact with other people.

Ep.#56: Humbleness vs. Bragging

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#56: Humbleness vs. Bragging

Humbleness is noble but can damage your visibility and in the long run also your motivation. Bragging is also not recommended since people that brag are seen as inconsiderate and not believed to be better performers than their humble colleagues. How do we strike a balance between those two behaviors? I discuss what you can consider and reflect upon in this week’s episode.

Ep.#55: Assertiveness

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#55: Assertiveness

Asking for what we 'need', asserting your desires can feel incredibly difficult at times. To be direct about what you need or want can be misinterpreted and you might be coming across as selfish. However, knowing the difference between passive, aggressive, and assertive communication can help you to ensure that you communicate with confidence, clarity and care for others.

Ep.#54: Growth Matters

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#54: Growth Matters

I would like you to ask yourselves… “Why should I grow?” “Why should I go to the next step and do the next thing and pursue the next goal?” “Why should I even bother trying to become self-actualized, or fulfill my potential, or learn something new?” “Why should I even listen to my own desires […]

Ep.#53: Impostor Syndrome

Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Innovation Made Easy Podcast
Ep.#53: Impostor Syndrome

Do you find yourself feeling out of place in a meeting or even in a relationship and doubting your skills you’re right to sit at the table? If you’re suffering of imposter syndrome you are letting self doubts and self criticism influence you. Despite external evidence of your achievements, those experiencing these thoughts remain convinced that they do not deserve everything that they have achieved and in fact it can go so far as they self-sabotage their success. But impostor syndrome has also its positive sides. Balance and self-awareness are step #1 for us to master our mind and use it to the best of our ability.

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4 Steps To Change

Change can only happen if really want it and we plan for it. Our brains are lazy and will bring us back to their known path. Join me as I explore ways to override our programs and make change happen.

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